
How To Make a Friend Fall In Love With You

We all have a friend or may have had a friend on whom we secretly had a crush, or may have dreamt of falling in love with? In this day and age, people say being friends and strong at that is better than being in love, but that’s not as true as it seems to be. Yes, it is hard converting the bond of friendship into love, but not impossible. The chemistry has to be just right; otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to make bones of the relationship to be. Here are thus ten tips on How to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You.


Your Appearance Matters:

Work on the way you dress, walk, talk and look in public. Let’s admit it; we all are interested in the outer appearance too, no matter what we say about inner beauty. Most wouldn’t even want to date you if you don’t fit the bill, grooming wise. Keep your hair in place, your teeth should be clean, so should be the nails and the skin. An appearance that speaks spic and clean speaks a lot about you as a person to fall in love with.

Hone Your Interpersonal Skills:

People love those who know how to communicate well. This should be inborn or learnt, since then you would know how to handle whom in which situation. It would also make you understand the skills of making him or her feel magically important when being with you. Conflicts at all times should be avoided, no shaming someone else around, and no playing the blame game when talking about your past relationships.

Listen And Listen Well:

Your mate would only be more interested in knowing you or being with you, if you listen. When they speak, nod your head time and again to show that you are listening. Also, please put that phone down when someone talks to you, and maintain eye contact, which only shows you have respect for what they have to say.

Make The Talk Interesting:

Even if the talk if on phone, Skype, whats app or email and even if it is one on one, make it interesting for both of you to indulge in. The duration isn’t what you should be bothered about as much as the quality of the conversation. This helps the two to open up and be frank with one another.

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