Men's fitness

How To Get Stronger: What The Experts Say

Of all the reasons to set foot in a gym or pick up a dumbbell, increasing strength is undoubtably the most beneficial. Sure, it’s nice to improve fitness. And yes, we’d rather have a six pack than not have one. But seeing your strength improve week after week is not only hugely satisfying, it also has massive functional implications too.

Getting strong will benefit you in every day life, whether it’s building your back for manual labour, fortifying your legs for extra long hikes, or simply making you less prone to injury. And strength sessions pay off later in life, too, lowering your risk of mobility issues and even heart disease.


This isn’t about size. Let’s make that clear. Building strength is not necessarily about lifting the biggest weights possible until your legs resemble oak trunks and your arms Christmas hams. No, strength comes in all sizes. Thankfully, when it comes to getting strong, there are a number of basic rules you can follow, whatever your ability or experience. So let’s get building.

The Benefits Of Strength Training

“In fitness terms, strength refers to muscle strength and usually your ability to lift weight. Basically, the stronger you are the more you can lift,” says Keith McNiven, founder of London-based personal training company Right Path Fitness.

“People do strength training for lots of reasons; for aesthetics so that they look good and feel confident, or perhaps because they have a physical job that requires them to lift, carry and even defend and protect themselves,” says McNiven. “Strength training with weights not only develops muscle but strengthens tendons and connective tissues, and prevents age-related bone loss.”

“Strength training is important, period,” adds Luke Worthington, movement and performance coach at London’s Third Space. “It’s the ‘cup’ that every other aspect of physical fitness sits within.”

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