Hair care

8 Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Hair

Bed bugs are probably some of the most disgusting pests around to ever exist, and you’ve probably heard of them too. Bed bugs are pesky creatures that love to bite humans and feed on their blood. They can easily live without a meal for six to fourteen months and they are unbelievably skilled at surviving by hiding in nooks and crannies and multiplying at amazing speeds.

As such, they are easily able to spread from one unit to another which is why it is typical to find bed bugs at hotels and motels, apartment complexes, airplanes, buses, and other places where it is common for humans to pass through. This is also why it is so hard to eliminate bed bugs as well.


In this article, we will talk about how to remove bed bugs from your hair and other related health tips and general advice on these pests, and how to remove them from your vicinity as well.


Can Bed Bugs Live In Your Hair

If you’ve found bed bugs in your hair or bed bug bite marks on your scalp and skin then it might be a comfort for you to know that bed bugs can’t live in your hair.

Unlike lice and mites, bed bugs lack the proper biological parts that allow the former pests to travel through and around the hair. This is a disadvantage for bed bugs and as a result, they avoid making a home there.

Bed bugs like to reside in areas where there is negligible movement, which makes them more averse to human hair or the human body. However, bed bugs do like feeding on human blood by biting through the skin, and the scalp is one of the softest skin on the human body making it easy for bed bugs to feed on human blood and an advantageous location as well.

Therefore, bed bugs typically get on your hair while you’re asleep as that is the time they can feed on with minimal disturbance. After they’re done feeding, they simply go back to their dwellings leaving the human they fed on with bite marks.

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