Men's grooming

Acne Scars: What They Are And How To Get Rid Of Them

As if acne wasn’t annoying enough, the aftermath is often all the more dreadful. Whenever a pimple leaves behind a scar — it can be a darkened spot or an indentation on the skin — you pray to the grooming gods that it won’t last long.

What’s worse is that you (possibly) even followed all those boring rules, such as never picking or popping the pimple in the first place, but are still left with a long-term reminder on display for the world to see.


Don’t worry, hope is not lost. There are ways to prevent and even get rid of acne scars. To find out how, we spoke with board-certified dermatologists Robert Finney and Dhaval Bhanusali. Here’s how to banish the last of your blemish.

What Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars can appear in different ways, and are often predetermined by the kind of acne experienced in that location. Specifically, there are three types of acne scars. The first is called atrophic scarring, often referred to as ‘ice-pick acne’ due to the depression or indentation it leaves behind. These are usually the most difficult type of acne scars to heal.

The other types are keloid and hypertrophic lesions, and are most common on the jawline and areas such as the chest. While both present as elevated and firm, their difference is that hypertrophic scars are typically confined to the area the pimple inhabited, while keloid scarring often spreads past the initial spot.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Acne scars are caused by acne, unsurprisingly. However, their appearance is based on the size, duration and healing process of the initial lesion and whether or not you left it alone.

“Any wound-healing process involves the formation of new collagen that is often disrupted and not equivalent to the normal collagen,” says Finney. The result can then be a scar. “The longer the lesion is present, the larger it is, the more it’s picked at, the more likely it is to leave a scar.”

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