College life

How to Feel Confident & Look Great in a Swimsuit

Body image is a hot issue that people from all ethnic groups, cultures, economic backgrounds, ages, shapes, and sizes often struggle with. As evolved as our culture has become on embracing all body types, it’s still easy to feel self-conscious — especially during swimsuit season. Enjoy this piece as I will share to you tips on how to feel confident in a swimsuit.

The first thing to know about body image is that you’re not alone. Everyone — no matter what their weight or shape — feels insecure from time to time. The good news? You can literally control the amount of self esteem you have.


Feeling good about the way you look is a discipline, just like forcing yourself to study when you’d rather be watching Glee. Training your brain to focus on the beauty can drastically change your life — not only will you only see the good within, but the entire world will seem like a more positive and lovely place as well!

With that being said, swimsuit season is upon us, so in this post, I’m going to share some tips and tricks that will help you put your best foot forward and feel awesome about your body over the summer. Be sure to leave a comment at the end of the post and tell your fellow CF girls some mind games or confidence booster you use on your own as well!

Let’s get right to it! Read on to see my 6 best tips and tricks for looking hot and feeling great in a swimsuit:

Related reading: 5 Extremely Cute Bikini Outfits You’ll Wear All Summer Long

Table of Contents

6 Best Tips And Tricks For Looking Hot And Feeling Great In A Swimsuit

1. Focus on the parts of your body that you love.

Everyone has that one part of their appearance they’re crazy about.

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