
How to Dress to Explore Westeros

Westeros & Essos Map via

There’s nowhere else quite like Westeros. In one trip, you can journey through an intense, scorching desert, ride your horse through a thriving metropolis, and visit an arctic forest. 

Since it was once made up of many countries, which were later combined, the continent of Westeros has an unusual abundance of cultures. Visiting another part of the country is like visiting a whole other world, with new customs and styles to learn. It’s a dream for the explorer, since a trip there is like seven vacations in one! To thrive, you’ll need to understand all your destinations and the appropriate clothing choices for each.


A word to the wise: the one thing all the regions of Westeros have in common is danger. That may be a good thing for the thrill-seeking, but make sure you’re well-armed and protected on your journey, because Westeros is basically the murder capital of the universe.

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Here are a few safety tips you’ll want to keep in mind when traveling:

  • Don’t attend weddings. I’ll repeat that. Do not attend weddings. No matter how extravagant or exclusive the affair may seem, that party is going to go south, and you don’t want to be there when it does.
  • If you’re going to get murdered, do so in the South. Okay, so obviously you should avoid being murdered anywhere. However, it’s important to exercise additional caution when north of the wall. Those killed up there have a nasty habit of coming back as zombified White Walkers, and no one wants that.
  • Don’t make friends. Westeros is the perfect place for a solo journey of reflection or a honeymoon with someone you already know. Don’t form relationships in Westeros. They’re all liars, and they will betray you.

The people of Westeros might not be the most dependable, honest or moral lot, but their country’s cultural and environmental diversity makes the trip worth it. Just keep you head down and your eyes open!

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