Style & fashion

How To Dress Like A Man – Fashion Credos Every Man Should Know

Fashion is for everyone, but a successful sense of style is not! So many guys today dream of dressing like James Bond, Harvey Specter, Don Draper, etc. yet, so few actually do so. Why is that?

Well, it means dressing with class, and that’s something most guys don’t want deal with.


It also means being a high performance person. How you dress is how you feel. Unfortunately, most guys would rather take the lazy road. It’s far easier and you know what, it’s pathetic!

A man strives for greatness; to be at his personal best. You are given two choices every single morning after waking up, and I’m not just talking about going back to sleep or starting the day.

I’m talking about dressing for success, or dressing like a bum! When you become a man, mom and dad aren’t there to dress you every morning like they did when you were a kid. The choice of what to wear is entirely your own.

Why settle for less in life, when you can show the world the most successful version of yourself?

You won’t just look better. You’ll feel better about yourself, work harder towards your goals, get more respect (from both women and your peers), and so on.

If you want to dress like a loser, no one will stop you. If you want to know how to dress like a successful man, I’m here to help.


The cost

Dressing like a man it doesn’t mean you must spend big boy money, though it certainly helps.

You don’t need a hundred eBooks or fashion coaches either. In a moment here you’ll know why this is true.

The only thing required is to understand two of the most important rules:


1. It takes time to discover your own, unique sense of style!

Spend all the money you want. Hire all the fashion coaches in the world. And guess what the result will be? An excellent set of threads covering up a man who’s uncomfortable in what he’s wearing.

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