Tattoo guide

How To Clean Your Tattoo: Step By Step Guide

So, you’ve finally gotten the tattoo that you wanted. It looks great and shiny and compliments you. However, if you don’t take proper care of your tattoo, it’s going to begin to fade, and it could even get infected while it’s healing. The good news is that cleaning your tattoo and taking care of it isn’t a difficult feat, as long as you do it properly and promptly.

We wrote this article to guide you on how to clean your tattoo painlessly and easily. In this article, you’ll receive tips, as well as detailed information on how to take care of your tattoo while it’s healing, as well as extending its longevity.


Cleaning Your Tattoo Is Important

As you may already know, the process of tattoo involves a tiny needle that pierces through the outer layer of your skin to draw an ink, turning your tattoo into a piece of art that it is. Every time your skin is pierced through, it’s leaving the inner layers of your skin exposed to potential bacterial infections.

Dozens of bacteria linger around our skin and in the air, and leaving the skin open allows them to enter your bloodstream. To prevent the unnecessary rash, soreness, and potential infection that won’t end happily for you, it’s important to take care of your tattoo while it heals and afterward.

We’re not the only ones to tell you this. If you haven’t gotten your tattoo done yet, your tattoo artist will likely advise you to do the same, as long as he has the expertise and is a certified tattoo artist, that is.

Once they’re finished, your tattoo artist will clean your tattoo with antibacterial soap, and probably advise you to do the same. They’ll also patch and wrap your tattoo in a sterilized wrap. However, it’s your first tattoo wash that counts on the quality of the tattoo and preventing unwanted side-effects.

It’s important to clean the tattoo as soon as you remove the wrapping at home and below, we’ll teach you how to handle that very first wash and the first month as the tattoo is healing.

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