Hair adviceHair styling

How to Blow Dry Hair at Home for Stunning Results

Love the look of a professional blowout, but can’t seem to blow dry your hair the right way at home? Or might you find it hard to find a stylist that understands your hair texture and knows how to achieve the desired look without all the frizz?


Recommended Video Tara McAdams-May, Holistic Hairapist is here to give us some hair drying tips to save you time and energy when it comes to mastering a blowout.

Tip #1: It’s All in the Prep

Beginning with freshly shampooed and conditioned locks is key to getting the best from your styling session. The next step is to decide upon whether you want to blow dry your hair curly or straight, as prep for the two slightly differs.

With straight hair, you have to squeeze out as much water as possible from your wet hair before applying a styling aid. Curly hair should be detangled in the shower with conditioner and left soaking wet and undisturbed; you can only be using a microfiber towel or a t-shirt to catch excess water dripping from the ends. My curly friends will want to apply their styling products to very wet hair in a prayer hand application method, then squeeze that product further in while pushing out excess water. I like to use the S.M.I.L.E method to remember these steps.

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Tip #2: Bangs Get the First Blow

Ever get to the end of a style and hate the way your hairline looks? Me too. That’s why is always a good idea to start blow drying with the fringe. People, including myself, always see their face and front of the hairline when having a conversation or looking in that mirror to check themselves before heading out the door. It also happens to be the area where shorter and finer hair lives, allowing it to be able to dry out faster than the rest of our head. Blow drying your hair starting with this area rather than taking care of the back will ensure that you have as smooth of a style as possible.

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