
How to Apply Hair Oils and How to Get Them Out of Hair

How to apply hair oils and to wash them out?

My hair doesn’t like oil treatments! The last time I used coconut oil I had to wash my hair 5 times, and it still looked extremely greasy. How to apply oils the right way, and how to wash them out of hair? I really want to see the benefits of oils for hair! (the oils I ever tried to use are coconut oil, burdock & castor oils)

How to apply oils on the hair and wash them out?


Some oils really leave a greasy shine on the hair, but with these simple rules, it can be avoided.

By Armin Rimoldi

  • It’s recommended to heat oils on a water bath to 40 degrees and apply them warm.
  • Use oils in moderation. For medium length curls, it will be enough to apply about 5 mg.
  • When hair masks are prepared, all the ingredients are mixed, and then oils are added.
  • Also, after applying the oil or mask, put a plastic bag or a cap on your hair, wrap your head with a towel and leave it from several hours to a whole day/night.
  • After shampooing the hair a few times, you can rinse it using a herbal decoction with the addition of either vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Or you can add some salt to warm water and rinse the curls. Salt is a natural scrub that removes dirt and grease. The activity of the sebaceous glands is also restored – the curls become less oily, and the follicles are activated. This method perfectly removes coconut and other oils from the strands.
  • You can use oil masks as often and as long as you see fit – just keep a close eye on the reaction of your hair, so as not to overload it. For example, if there are no serious problems with hair, then use oil 1-2 times a week. But if your hair needs an enhanced course of treatment – about 3 times a week (each time before washing the hair).

The fundamental point: oils for hair treatments should be natural! Vegetable oils shouldn’t contain any artificial additives, mineral oil, etc. By the way, “fake oils” cover the entire surface of the hair and scalp with a film, not allowing the pores to breathe, and it’s very hard to wash off with shampoo.

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