Hair care

27 Easy & Simple Homemade Natural Hair Moisturizer Recipes

The sun, sea, pool, pollution, wind, chemicals… Our hair will cry for help many times! On a daily basis, all of those will leave their mark, making your hair dry, dull, rough and frizzy, and easily tangled. That means it’s time to moisturize it, to give back the water it lost and make your hair healthy and pretty again.

However, life happens, bills arrive, and there’s rarely money left to get a moisturizing treatment at the beauty salon. For those of us in this situation, there are homemade moisturizing hair treatments with natural ingredients. They’re simple and much cheaper since you might have many of them in your kitchen.


These recipes, besides being cheap and simple to make, will also nourish your hair, replenishing its moisture and lipids, taming your hair and keeping it pretty. Oil-based recipes have this double action.

More good news: homemade moisturization can be done in all types of hair – straight, wavy, curly or kinky with or without chemical procedures. In today’s article, we’ll show 27 easy and simple homemade moisturizer for natural hair.


Why Use Hair Moisturizers?

In a blender, mix one tablespoon of sugar, one tablespoon of heavy cream and three tablespoons of avocado. Sift the mixture and add one tablespoon of your vegetable oil of choice (like coconut oil). Apply the mixture to your (previously shampooed) hair length and tips. Leave it for about 30 minutes to one hour. After that, rinse well and finish by applying a conditioner.

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2. Coconut milk moisturizer

Mix two tablespoons of the moisturizing mask you use and three tablespoons of coconut milk, in a bowl. Divide your clean (previously shampooed) hair into sections and apply the mixture to each of them, massaging them well. Put on a heat cap and wait for about 15 minutes. Wash your hair and condition it normally.

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