Health & wellness

15 Best Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)

Athlete’s Foot is a kind of disease that can plague anyone with its fungal infection. If you are one of the people who spend most of his or her time at the gym or working hours after hours at the office, wearing socks and shoes, that get smelly over time, then you will have an equal risk of getting the odd infection disease. Even small kids, who spend most of their daytime at their schools, also run the risk of having this infection. Therefore, with the help of the following athlete’s foot home remedy options, you can say goodbye to the fungal infection. Read on to find out the athlete’s foot causes and cures.


What Causes an Athlete’s Foot?

There can be many causes for athlete’s foot to be discovered right at your foot. Following listed are some of the main athlete’s foot causes:

  • If any case, athlete’s foot is caused by going barefoot to various public places like showers or swimming pool.
  • When you share your utensils with a person who has the athlete’s foot infection, is one of the causes for athlete’s foot.
  • If you wear shoes that are very tight fitting.
  • During the time you keep your feet soaked and covered for extended periods of time.
  • If you have very sweaty feet.
  • In case you have a minor type of injury on the skin or nails, on your foot.

What are The Symptoms for Athlete’s Foot?

The following are some of the athlete’s foot symptoms that you should take care of:

  • When you will be having an itchy and burning sensation in your feet.
  • If the soles of your feet experience a very itchy and likely burning feeling.
  • There are blisters that are itchy on your feet.
  • When you notice that the skin of your feet is cracking and peeling.
  • The time when the skin of your feet has become raw.
  • In case you see your toenails are thick, crumbled, and discoloured.
  • Finally, if you see that the toenails are pulling away from the nail bed, then it is one of the athlete’s foot symptoms and causes.

How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot Fungal Infection at Home:

There are some of the prevention tips that you should keep in mind to prevent Athlete’s Foot:

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