
9 Effective Home Remedies For Scabies!

Did your child come home from school scratching his skin badly? Have you noticed red, pimple like blisters on his body? If you take a closer look and observe any tiny borrows in the skin, it could be Scabies! Scabies is often mistaken for insect bites or common allergic rashes. They are actually caused by a mite, which drills holes into the skin and starts infesting the area. It is one of the most irritating skin conditions, which can affect even adults, particularly the elderly. Get to know more about the main causes, symptoms of this disease, along with 9 proven home remedies for Scabies(Sarcoptic Mange)!


What Causes Scabies?

Scabies is caused by a mite called “Sarcoptes Scabiei, which makes burrows into the skin and starts living there. Due to the presence of a foreign organism, the skin starts it defense mechanism in the form of itching. The irregular blisters on the skin are a result of the movement of these mites, which lays eggs and sheds debris in there. The following factors can give you Scabies:

  • Poor Hygiene
  • Physical Contact with infected person
  • Sharing of personal items

Symptoms of Scabies:

Scabies resembles common skin rashes or mosquito bites. These symptoms, however can help you identify Scabies:

  • Severe itching
  • Red pimple like blisters on skin

Places Where Scabies Occurs:

  • Underarms
  • In between fingers
  • Wrists
  • Penis
  • Feet
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Elbows
  • Folds Of Skin
  • Secondary infections resulted from excessive scratching

Prevention Of Scabies:

Scabies is a highly contagious disease that spreads easily among people. Taking these precautions can help in preventing the mites from entering your skin and eradicating them from your surroundings:

  • Stay away from infected people
  • Maintaining good hygiene
  • Cleaning of all clothes and linen using hot detergent water
  • Sealing all the items in a plastic bag to suffocate and kill any possible mites

If your child is infected with Scabies, don’t send him to school until it is completely cured to prevent re-infestation.

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