Tattoo design

40+ Unique Hammer Tattoo Design Ideas 2022 (Black & White And Colorful)

Looking for some new tattoo ideas and creations? Maybe you’re interested in placing a hammer tattoo somewhere over your body? If that is the case, you’re going to like this article and our recommended options.

Here, we are going to talk about 30+ unique ideas of hammer symbols both big and small which are going to suit men and women. Find your perfect design down below.


Hammer Tattoo: FAQ

Credit: Instagram

1. What Does A Hammer Tattoo Symbolize?

A tattoo of a hammer can symbolize loads of different things, depending on its size and color. Different shapes will also play a significant role. However and with most hammer tattoos, this little symbol or tool represents the power, energy, and strength that you have. It can also show how sturdy, resistant, and well-built you are. It is definitely a sign of impeccable energy.

2. Who Can Go For This Tattoo?

Anyone can go for this tattoo and enjoy its meaning, along with its concept. Men and women should only get the right and appropriate print that suits their character and personal preference.

3. Where Should You Place This Design?

Any and every placement is recommended and preferable, as long as it makes sense to your end if it goes well with your character and body type. Most people usually stick to arm, thigh, or back placement, depending on the size of your chosen print.

4. What Is A Common Price For This Tattoo?

There are no specific rules or common price tags when it comes to your hammer tattoo. The final price and the result will depend a lot on your tattoo artist and his or her level of experience. Also, the bigger the tattoo you go for, the higher the price. Avoid flashy colors or watercolor designs if you wish to save a bit of money on your next design.

5. Does The Tattooing Process Hurt?

The pain factor will truly vary depending on your preferred place. If you end up placing this tattoo super close to your bones you can expect it to hurt. Go for thick-skinned and “meaty” areas if your pain tolerance is low.

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