Hair adviceHair care

Hair Care: 15 Myths We Have All Believed and the Truth Behind Them

I’m like every other human out there looking for the fountain of youth. Ok, I would settle for a cellulite cream that actually works, but let`s face it, it doesn’t exist. We all want what we don’t have. Those curly haired babes dream of silky, straight hair. The silky, straight haired babes are curling, braiding, and crimping their locks just to give it an ounce of texture. The struggle is real, my friends. Even though I can’t cure the current cellulite problem that plagues most of us women. One can only dream. I can shed a little light on some of the myths, or lies that have been told over the years regarding our crown of glory. Our hair. Here are just a few, 15 actually, that come to my mind…

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#1: 100 Strokes a Day

Myth. Brushing your hair 100 strokes per day will help it grow longer, keep it shinier, healthier, blah blah blah.

Truth. Marcia Brady didn’t know her facts. Brushing your hair too much can actually cause it to break. Brush gently so that your natural oils can be distributed throughout your hair shafts.

#2: Brushing Wet Hair

Myth. You should never use a brush on wet hair, only use a comb.

Truth. I beg to differ. The Wet Brush is a dream of a person with tangly hair that has come true. If you haven’t tried one, you need to. Yes it’s actually called “The Wet Brush”. They can be purchased at your local salon or at your nearest Ulta. If all else fails, you can order them online. They’re amazing!


#3: Regular Trims

Myth. Getting regular trims will help your hair grow faster.

Truth. If only it were that easy. Regular trims are extremely important in keeping your locks healthy, however, the act of cutting it does not make it grow faster. What it does do is relieving your hair of the ugly split ends. Which brings us to the next myth about split ends.

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