Health & wellness

Garbhasana (Foetus Pose) – How To Do And Benefits

Yoga which is dated back to pre-Vedic times was originally started in India. Now, it is practiced all over the world. Since yoga has proven to be beneficial not only on the body but also on the mind and spirit, it is the most popular form of exercise. Hectic gym schedules have taken a backseat while yoga has progressed. It can treat various illness from backaches to anxiety. Yoga treats and purifies the body and mind from within.

There are numerous yoga postures practiced by people of different difficulty levels. The one to be discussed now is a relatively complex posture which is Garbhasana. Garbha is a Sanskrit word which means fetus and asana is posture. Thus, Garbhasana is also known as the Embryo Pose or the Fetus Pose. Before discussing the benefits of Garbhasana, let us know how to get this posture done.


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How To Do It:

As Garbhasana or the Fetus Pose is a complex posture, you might not achieve perfection at the first go. Remind yourself to be patient and you will learn to get it done perfectly in a couple of days or weeks. As the name suggests, your body will take into a form of a fetus when the posture is completely done. Use a mat or a blanket and sit on the floor comfortably with your legs stretched in front of you and your spine should be erect.

As you bend your right knee, place it on the left thigh. The sole of the feet should be point upward and your heel should be close to the abdomen. Repeat the same with your left leg. Now, insert your right hand between the gap of the right thigh and calf muscles. Repeat the same with the left hand. To hold your legs, your elbows should bend around the calf muscles. Now, while exhaling, gradually lift up the legs with your hands. Pull up the legs till your hands reaches your ears and hold them.

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