Car Coat vs. Peacoat: Everything You Need To Know
While a coat’s main function is to keep you warm in the winter months, a coat can also make a major statement in terms of style. While trends and fads fluctuate, coming and going with the times, there are a few pieces that are so elegant and loved that they stand the test of time. Car coats and peacoats seem to maintain their priority status in this category. Though they have modern elements, these coats carry a vintage vibe that is utterly timeless. However, not knowing the difference between what kind of coat you are wearing is a must so that you can not only look your best but be as protected as possible from various elements and weather.
Two of the most common coats for men to bring out during the winter are car coats and peacoats. Many men are not aware of the fact that these two coats are actually not the same, and though it is subtle, there is a distinction between these two coats. In order to make this distinction easier to recognize, here is our guide to everything you need to know about car coats and peacoats before the cold weather starts to roll in.
The Peacoat
Originally popularized by the Navy, the peacoat is a long, thigh-length coat that has a dapper and elegant style. It was designed in order to keep members of the navy warm and insulated while out on the open sea. If the peacoat was able to keep these men warm while facing fierce winds and freezing conditions, then you know it is a great option for facing the tides of winter. In fact, the peacoat’s origin story has managed to remain a relevant part of the modern coat design through small touches such as anchors being printed or engraved on buttons.
A peacoat can be recognized through its double-breasted button closure that is accompanied by a wide notched collar and lapel. Traditionally, the material of peacoats is a very heavy and somewhat rough melton wool that most commonly comes in black or navy. However, in the last few years, the wool used has become a bit softer and there are many more color options available.