Gaara is a fictional character within the manga and anime television series, Naruto. Naruto, the manga dating back as far as 1997 has been a very popular manga and anime series. Since the debut of the anime, the popularity and fan base has never stopped rising. This fantasy, adventurous story fixated on the boy Naruto and his friends and allies. Gaara is one of the fan favorites of the show. Initially, Gaara was introduced as an antagonist. Since Gaara is what is considered a shinobi, being from the shinobi world, he is the son of the lands leader, the Fourth Kazekage. Before he was born, his father intended on having a child to use as a weapon to restore their village. Being only looked at his entire life as a demon and outcast of the village, Gaara grew a deep hatred for those that made themselves his enemies by relentlessly looking at him as a monster. Just as Naruto was in his village, considered a dangerous person, it was not until Gaara met and became friends with Naruto that he started to change his perspective and able to control his anger and hatred more. Naruto, being possessed by the beast ‘Nine tails’ knows exactly how Gaara was being treated, for he is possessed by the beast known as the ‘One-Tailed Shukaku’. Gaara became the Fifth Kazekage which literally means the Fifth Wind Shadow. He was chosen as this so that he can help protect the village and all those who live there. Doing this, helps vanish the fears the villagers had about him.
Gaara was raised by his uncle, Yashamaru. Gaara thought that Yashamaru was raising him because Gaara’s family and all the other villagers were afraid of him and his powers. When Gaara was only six years old, Gaara’s father ordered Yashamaru to assassinate Gaara. Gaara looked up to Yashamaru as a father figure and believed Yashamaru was the only person alive that was capable of loving and nurturing for Gaara. One night, Gaara was approached by an assassin who he battled it out with, once the assassin was defeated and dying on the floor, it was then that the one who came to kill him was indeed his very own uncle, Yashamaru. As Yashamaru was dying, Yashamaru confessed to Gaara that he never did care about Gaara in the first place. He resented Gaara because he blamed him in the death of his sister, Gaara’s mother, and told Gaara he was a demon that fought only for himself.
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