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Top 9 Face Scrub Brushes

For people who are still unaware of face scrub brushes, these are actually electric or battery operated brushes, for your face that allows you to enjoy a spa like treatment right from the comforts o your own home. Being small and compact, with inter changeable mouth, these brushes have the benefit of portability too. While some actually resemble a brush, there are other mechanical ones that have a slightly more complex way about it. These brushes help you even out your skin tone while eliminating blemishes, dark spots and possible signs of further breaking out. Basically, these brushes go deep within the dermal layer and forces out dirt and impurities. In this article, we have listed some of the best face scrub brushes that you might want to check out.

Best Face Scrub Brushes in India:

1. Proactiv Plus Deep Cleansing Brush:


Proactiv is a world renowned company basically dealing with your skin imperfections like blemishes, excess acne and skin spots. In this deep cleansing brush, we have a 360 degree rotating bristle top with altering speed change options. This brush not only partakes in exfoliation and evening out of skin, but also provides a relaxing massage as the rotating bristles keep your skin calm and cleansed.

2. Foreo Luna For Men:

An elegant oval shaped compact facial cleanser formulated especially for uneven and stubborn men skin, this T sonic cleanser resembles a matte black oval dome which helps you even out the skin right after you shave so that your skin can feel baby soft and look incredibly perfect.

3. GoBonjour Facial Brush:

This brush from Go Bonjour comes with a changeable surface top which can be replaced with the massaging pad or simply use the bristled brush as a scrubber. The Go Bonjour brush uses its fine quality bristles to force out dirt and impurities, softening and evening out your skin so that the dirt doesn’t clog your pores.

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