Tattoos with meaning

What Does Double Triangle Tattoo Mean?

Perhaps you have seen a ‘double triangle’ tattoo on someone and were curious to know the meaning behind it. The triangle itself has always been a shape that we as humans have always found mysterious. This three-pointed, three-edged shape always seems to find itself in strange places. Not one, but two of these triangles overlapping one another, done in multiple directions, sure does catch the eye but what does it all mean? More than often, these triangles are linked to the Christian faith. Three points and three sides to every triangle, some say that each side holds a different sort of trinity.

A trinity is a Christian Godhead, one God in three forms. This is often the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Some people decide to get the double triangle as a subtle way of showing faith in their religion. Although this is a popular concept, having the double triangle tattoo does not always have to center in on religious beliefs. The three sides and points of each triangle can represent your spirituality and your spiritual journey. The past, the present, and the future is another concept these sides can represent. If you feel a special connection with the moon, each side of the triangles can signify the stages the moon goes through, waxing, waning, and full. Whatever way you decide to perceive this tattoo, it always has a special and spiritual connection to the individual, and with the mystery of the triangle, it is the perfect way to subtly depict such ideals. Down below will be examples, designs, placement ideas, and some more meanings behind this concept.


Double Triangle Designs

The triangle is a shape that can be drawn in many different ways. In order for the triangle to look good as a tattoo however, would be to make the triangle equilateral. This means that each side is the same length. All angles inside of the triangle must be congruent, or the same degree, to each other as well. Before you go ahead and get this tattoo, the direction of the triangles plays an important part in the graphic of the double triangle.

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