Style & grooming

Do Women Like Beards? – Facial Hair Truths For Every Man

When I first considered growing a beard I asked myself the very same question a long time ago. Then I realized something important, if I liked my beard that’s all that really mattered. And so, I grew and I grew. Within time, I felt more confident with my beard.

I had no trouble at all with women, in fact, I was meeting more and more of them than ever before. Was it due to my age? Perhaps, but I knew one thing was certain.


My beard made me happy. Though, a bit embarrassed during the initial growth stages! After growing out a full beard and figuring out the perfect shape and size, I came back to this question.

I wanted to answer it, but not with just a personal statement. So, over the course of 184 days I began working on a factual answer backed by real records on a grand scale. However, before I jump into that, I have a few important thoughts I’ve learned along the way that I’d like to share with you.

See more about Beard Growth Stages – Growing With Good Expectations

A Quick Note


If I told you the answer was no, would it really matter? How about yes instead? Think about it for a moment here gentlemen..

Imagine having no capital or status; in terms of love your chances of being broke are high. Acquire both and suddenly you’re capturing the hearts of women around the world. To put this in perspective, do you really believe shaving your beard is going to suddenly transform you into a man women crave? Did they even crave you before you had a beard?

If you were clean-shaven before you got married, would a beard really be terms for a divorce? In any healthy marriage, couples make small sacrifices, if a beard is a big problem you’re going to soon discover some deeper truths that will hurt in the future..

Even if your single and don’t have one right now but are thinking about growing one, ask yourself.. How’s your love life at this present moment?

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