Tattoo guide

Do Tattoos Fade Over Time (And How Can You Fight Tattoo Fading?)

To get a tattoo means getting a permanent work of art on your body. But, being aware that as time goes by your body changes, you cannot help but wonder what will your tattoo look like in 20 or 30 years. Will the tattoo fade or stay the same?

In the following paragraphs, we’ll take a look at the way tattoos change over time, whether they fade and if there are some tips you can use to prevent drastic tattoo change. So, without further ado, let’s get started!


Tattoos and Time: 3 Things You Should Know

Saved Tattoo

1. Do Tattoos Change Over Time and Why?

Let’s make some things clear first; yes, you will get older and yes your body will change. Of course, such a change will affect the way your tattoo looks. So, to answer the question; the tattoos do change over time, but the degree of the change varies from one person to the other.

Tattoo change is affected by numerous factors, not just the time and the body changes. So, if you’re wondering why your tattoo will most certainly change in several years, here’s why;

  • Aging – our largest organ, or skin, is one of the most apparent evidence of age and getting older. Tattoos being conveniently placed on the skin also undergo the same changes as our skin. The deterioration of the skin, usually showcased as stretching and loss of elasticity, affects the appearance of the tattoo and changes its shape.
  • The tattoo – over time, smaller or medium tattoos are more likely to undergo drastic changes as we get older. Tattoos that are smaller, intricate, detailed, and colored are affected even by the smallest changes on the skin. However, bigger tattoos, with less detailing and bolder lines are less likely to be visibly affected by the aging of the skin.
  • The ink – this might not be common knowledge, but the quality of the ink can contribute to faster deterioration of the tattoo, alongside aging and skin changes. If a tattoo is cheap, it is probably done with high-chemical, low-pigmentation ink, which will over time start fading and contribute to the tattoo losing shape and original appearance.

2. Do Tattoos Also Fade Over Time?

Yes, tattoos do fade over time, and all tattoos eventually do! Here are some other things to note before we get into the details of tattoo fading;

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