BeautySkin care

How to Lighten Skin Tone? – 10 Skin Whitening Beauty Tips!

Who doesn’t want to flaunt their flawless skin? Although the market is flooded with fairness creams and lotions that promise to give you fairness, overusing these products might harm your skin since they are filled with chemicals. So it is best to opt for natural remedies to get fair skin from a dark complexion without causing any side effects.


Irrespective of the color of your skin, every person is unique and beautiful. Poor skin health might undermine your self-confidence, and therefore, it is essential to maintain your skin’s health. But if you think you need help in lightening your skin complexion, this article will give you some natural tips.

How To Get Fair Skin From A Dark Complexion:

Melanin is the pigment that gives your skin its color. Your skin develops a tan when there is enhanced melanin production due to external factors like sun exposure. Although it is difficult to alter the natural amount of melanin in your body, here are some beauty tips to become fair by getting rid of pigmentation and suntan.

Home Remedies To Lighten Your Skin Tone:

We present you with some of the best home remedies to make your skin glowing:

1. Raw Potato Juice:

Potato is one of the readily available ingredients that help change dark skin to fair skin naturally. Potato helps remove any dark spots caused by overexposure to the sun (1) and lightens your complexion with the natural bleaching agents present in it.


  • One medium-size potato.
  • One tbsp of honey.
  • One tbsp of rose water.


  • Peel the potato and grate it.
  • Mash the grated potato without having any lumps.
  • Add honey and rose water to the mixture and combine them well.


  • Gently apply the paste to your neck and face evenly.
  • Let it stay for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • For efficient results, use this face pack every other day.

[ Also Read: Potato Face Packs for Dark Circles ]

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