
50 Catchy and Appealing Cute Nails for Fun-loving Women

Choosing a template for cute nails and cute nail designs can be tricky. Ask me how I know. It is daunting to think about sorting through all the nail styles, nail designs on the web to find the classics and the trending designs you’re looking for. As if that weren’t enough, throw in variations in skin tone and subtleties in nail designs, and you have a sufficient number of variables to make your head spin. To make it easy for you, we’ve prepared a list of 49+ popular cute nail ideas and nail designs that will wow your friends and may even dazzle your own eyes. Nail art does not have to be difficult. Having the right ideas to your new manicure in front of you can mean the difference between satisfaction and displeasure with your nail art and nail designs.

49+ Stunningly Creative Cute Nails for Stylish Chicks


It’s not necessary to make regular trips to the nail salon to have nails and nail designs worth decorating. A balanced diet, a well-planned beauty regimen, and good hygiene will give you nails you can feel good about without the need to make multiple visits to your local nail parlor and they will provide a healthy base for your nail designs. You’ll also be able to decrease the number of chemicals applied to your skin that can have negative effects on your nail quality.

When applying lotion to your hands, pay special attention to your cuticles and nails, too. Use of hand sanitizer and frequent washing of the hands tends to dry out the nail beds and affect the cuticles. If possible, try to use a high-quality lotion after every handwashing. If you use hand sanitizer, look for a brand that moisturizes along with sanitization to blow two bubbles with one wand.

When having a manicure, consider opting out of the cuticle trim. Your cuticles are there to provide a natural barrier against bacteria. Cutting them can open the doors for a nasty infection to settle in. You can moisten them at home and push them back, trimming away only the dead skin. Because your cuticles are sensitive, consider protecting them from chemical exposure with a light coat of olive oil or coconut oil prior to a conventional manicure. These steps can go a long way toward maintaining a healthy base for cute nails and cute nail designs. You can get a pedicure too, that can include hot stone massage and foot scrub, hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy.

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