
Eyeball Tattoo: All About Corneal or Scleral Tattoo

Corneal tattooing (also called an eye tattoo) is the latest trend of tattooing in the cornea of the eye. The reason that many people get this done is because of the aesthetic look and probable improvement of eyesight too, Many different techniques and methods exist to get an Eyeball tattoo along with different safety and concerns options that determine the success of this process.

Scleral tattooing is the tradition of inking the sclera or white part of the human eye. The color is not inserted into the tissue, but amidst two layers of the eye, where it widens out over a wide area. The method is not simple. Some methods have created damage of vision, hard permanent pain, and even permanent damage to the eye.


Eyeball tattoos are a comparatively new sort of cosmetic body modification. It is a bit different from the corneal tattoo we discussed above because it is performed by non-ophthalmic trained people. A syringe is utilized to inject tattoo color under the bulbar conjunctiva. Dyes employed for subconjunctival purposes are the same as the ones used for skin inking. There are important short-term dangers connected with this method, and the long-term influences on eyes and vision are distant given the recent demand or prevalence and lack of long-term follow-up.

People who go for an Eyeball tattoo must be aware that the procedure is not as simple as it sounds and might result in many kinds of temporary and permanent damage to the eyes. They must seek medical intervention immediately if they notice something bizarre happening. The eye care providers and doctors must also make themselves aware of this kind of popularity as it might lead to increased frequency of presentation to eye care services. However popular might it has become, it is still rare to find someone with an Eyeball tattoo and also someone who has anything good to say about this kind of design. It is definitely an extreme body modification.

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