Tattoo ideas

60 Candy Tattoo Ideas For Men – Sweet Designs

As children our currency was candy: we craved it, traded it, and it was every bit as crucial as cash when lining our pocket.

Few of us ever really grew out of our love for the sweet forbidden fruit, and even those of us who did no doubt still look back fondly on our favorites, and maybe even wish to commemorate them in tattoo form.


Candy tattoos are a playful way of honoring the bygone as a work of art, albeit deliciously eye-popping. From Nerds to Skittles and Gobstoppers to Airheads, the colorful array of candy creations is truly endless. Puckery lemon drops and bright red fireballs come to life on the skin, and friends will once again be tempted to pass a note in class asking you to share the wealth. Even vintage candy brands stand out magnificently, and wear like old-timey couture.

The candy we loved as kids (or conversely still keep around as adults) speaks of more than a sweet tooth, but a penchant for the fun indulgences that kept us going in our youth, and no doubt see us through the less-than-pleasant periods of adulting.

Your children aren’t the only ones who deserve a bit of the sweet life in a wrapper, and your candy tattoo lets the world know that you haven’t forgotten your own candy machine mainstays.



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