Tattoo guide

Can You Get Two Tattoos In One Day?

Now, imagine having to go through such a process with two tattoos simultaneously. The chances of getting a tattoo infection double in such a case, and it can be pretty hard to follow the proper aftercare routine with two different tattoos at the same time.

When you get a tattoo, your body is fighting to heal the wounded skin as fast as possible. With two tattoos, the body might be overwhelmed, which could result in a lower immune system and a higher risk of getting the flu or other illness as well.


So, Should You Wait Between Tattoos?

Well, considering the pros and the cons of getting two tattoos in a day, we’d say that you better take a break between the two tattoos and have an enjoyable experience. We know that tattoos are addictive; once you start, you can’t stop. But, getting two tattoos on the same day can take a toll on your health, and nobody wants that.

However, if you;

  • Have a high pain tolerance
  • Have enough cash to pay for two or more tattoos
  • Have a good immune system and overall health
  • Have enough free time in a day 
  • Have available tattoo artists
  • Have not been exposed to germs and viruses
  • Are aware of the consequences, higher infection risk, and aftercare routine

Then there is no reason you should not get two tattoos in one day.

However, our recommendation is to wait between two tattoos. You can wait anywhere between a week (when the first tattoo starts to heal properly), or a few months (when the first tattoo is fully healed).

The reason you should wait between the tattoos is pretty simple; you’ll give your body time to heal and get ready for a new tattoo. The tattooing process is pretty stressful for the body, so why go through all the stress and pain when you can simply wait for a little while and get a new tattoo without risking your health.

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