Tattoos with meaning

Cactus Tattoo Meaning, Designs & Ideas

There are a lot of great plant tattoos out there, but the cactus tattoo is the perfect one for certain personalities. It’s also a very attractive tattoo in most cases, which is yet another reason why these designs have shot up the rankings in recent years. Below you will find some information on cactus tattoos, including some of the more commonly used meanings and some of the ways that these tattoos can be designed.

Before we go into the cactus tattoo meaning, let’s take a look at the cactus itself. It’s a plant that’s generally found in dry locations because it has a rare ability to conserve water for very long periods of time. It also has a natural defense system in the form of a spiny exterior. Unsurprisingly, those unique qualities have made the cactus one of the most respected and revered plants on earth.


If we go way back in time, the Greek meaning for cactus is mystery. Even though it might not be clear to outside observers, some people will get the cactus tattoo to represent their mysterious side. That kind of makes sense since those people might not want others to know the meaning. Of course, if you do want the meaning to come through the design, you can always add in other symbols of mystery with the cactus if you find something that blends into the design well.

When using the mysterious meaning for the cactus tattoo, the design will usually be unique rather than simply being a standard cactus plant. Even those who want the meaning itself to be mysterious will usually do something extra to the design to make it stick out more than a basic cactus would. An easy way to do this is to make the cactus a bit cartoony, but you can take that a step further by putting small symbols of mystery on or around the cactus.

Naturally, the cactus has been very meaningful to Native American tribes for centuries. They have long used nature to help give life more meaning, and the cactus has inspired many tattoos, totems, and war paint designs over the years. In fact, many people who still get Native American tattoos today will include the cactus for both its looks and its meanings. You might not be able to imagine it, but a cactus can easily be included in one of these designs without throwing off the look of the tattoo. The meanings you’ll find below are usually the same ones that Native Americans have used for their designs.

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