
9 Best Breastfeeding Positions for Newborns with Tips and Precautions

`Breastfeeding to the newborn is strongly recommended for both the good health of mother and baby. We all know that the milk comes naturally, but how well is it possible for a new mother to understand how to breastfeed the little one? Breastfeeding positions may be difficult to manage and identity initially, especially if it is the new mother’s first child. It requires a lot of patience, practice, and beginning days may be hopeless and haphazard.


But worry not – a useful guide on positioning, how to feed, and tips can undoubtedly help you. Within a few days, you can understand the ideal breastfeeding positions for newborn and your comfort. To understand which can be suitable, let us go through all these holds and types of positions.

Benefits of Breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding to the newborn is strongly recommended by all doctors, healthcare professionals, and the World Health Organization (1). The benefits associated with it are numerous. Overall, it positively helps in the good health of both the mother and the child.

  1. Breastfeeding takes care of a child’s nutritional needs for the first several months of his or her life. Since that is the only source, especially during the beginning months, vital energy and nutrients are only given through breastfeeding.
  2. The breastfeeding milk helps to also provide and develop antibodies in the child’s health. These antibodies are beneficial to fight common illnesses and diseases in the early stages of their life.
  3. Breast milk also has growth factors that help in hormones and growth factors. A child who receives the mother’s milk is less likely to be prone to growth-related concerns, both mentally and physically.
  4. There are also antibacterial bodies present in the milk, which aids the newborn kid work against illnesses. They also help in growing the immune system.

See More: Breastfeeding Tips

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