
How to Get Rid of Your Body Odor During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is termed as one of the magical phases of women’s life because it is the woman who is giving life to the baby by carrying and protecting the baby in the womb for nine months. Becoming pregnant and parents is a dream come true for many couples. Still, it is the woman who makes most of her sacrifices in many ways, such as sleepless nights, morning sickness, nausea, and even they experience bad body odor during pregnancy. Yes, pregnant women indeed experience body odor during pregnancy due to the hormonal imbalances and excessive sweating. In this article, we will discuss why does a pregnant lady have body odor during pregnancy and some remedies to overcome it.


Is It Normal During Pregnancy?

Most of the pregnant women, especially the first-timers, feel awkward, embarrassed, and many questions pop up in their mind about this body odor, whether the smell is normal. The answer for this is “YES” it is normal that the pregnant lady has this body odor because of the hormonal changes happening inside her body. During pregnancy, the basal metabolic rate increases, which improves the blood flow and body temperature. Due to this, the sweat glands get activated and increases sweat production.

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Causes for Body Odor While Pregnant:

During pregnancy, sensing of smells increases in the lady because of a hormone called Estradiol. The smells coming from outside are easy to deal with, but the foul smell that emerges from within is intolerable. This smell starts from in the first trimester and even continues during the breastfeeding; in fact, the newly born kid recognizes the mother with this body odor. Hence, the pregnant lady needs to understand the body odors during pregnancy to deal with it. Here are some of the causes.

1. Hormonal Changes:

Hormonal changes in the body are the main reason for body odor during pregnancy. The hormones such as progesterone and Estradiol are released excessively in the body, which produces a strong smell in the armpits and genitals, in turn, causing a foul odor from the body.

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