
Blogger Inspiration: Georgina of Cupcake’s Clothes

Editor’s Note: In a funny coincidence, this article – which was supposed to go up two weeks ago – ended up being delayed until today, so it expands upon some of the issues discussed in the plus-sized models post we did yesterday. We didn’t originally intend to post these articles back to back, but we hope this post will help fuel the positive discussions we’ve been having about the issues surrounding fashion and body image.

With the rise of the internet and fashion blogging, today, many of us are more inspired by what we see on the pages of a blog than by fashion magazines. We are inspired by real girls, with real bodies, who look like us, and who create looks we can all emulate.


In this series, I’ve been interviewing some of my favorite fashion bloggers and finding inspiration in their styles. So far, we have met Maria of Lulu Letty, and Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky. This week, our featured blogger is Georgina of Cupcake’s Clothes.

Table of Contents

About Georgina

After my first two fashion blogger features, many of you commented that you wanted to see inspiration from plus-sized bloggers. Here at CF, we like to represent beauty and style in all shapes and sizes, so for this week’s post, I decided to feature one of my favorite of the (self-described) “Fatshion” bloggers.

Georgina is a girl after my own heart – her style is fun, girly and all from the British High Street. On one hand, she isn’t afraid to try new trends, but on the other, her style remains completely “her.” I love her unexpected clothing combinations and her amazing ability to pair pieces that you’d never think would work together, with fabulous results.

Georgina describes her style as “very unique,” adding, “I love to mix & match key trends with my own cute/quirky twist. Not everyone will like it, but it is inherently me & I love dressing only for myself!” She told us she started her blog after joining “Fatshion” Livejournal groups, and that her self-confidence has grown as a result of finding a community in which “fat people celebrated their bodies, instead of being ashamed.”

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