Blogging advice

100+ Best Tailwind Tribes To Kickstart Your Pinterest Popularity

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that we get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through our links, at no cost to you. Read our disclaimer for more info. By now you probably know that Pinterest is one of the best ways to promote your blog: it’s quick, it’s fun, and you can automate it.

But what people often don’t tell you is that it can be HARD to see success with Pinterest. All you ever see online is posts about how Pinterest has changed peoples’ lives and how you can do it too. And yes, that’s absolutely possible, but it’s not always as easy as people make it out to be.


Take my story for example. I was blogging for 1,5 years before I truly experienced the powers of Pinterest. Don’t get me wrong – I always knew Pinterest was important for blogging, but it wasn’t until l I discovered Tailwind Tribes that I ACTUALLY got the traffic that everyone was raving about.

Thanks to Tailwind Tribes, I was able to take my blog from about 100 visits from Pinterest a day to 1,000+ visits from Pinterest every single day. (Note: These figures are based on my own results. Have a look at the typical results across all Tailwind members here!)


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In the beginning of 2017, I had barely 10 sessiona a day coming from Pinterest. At the end of 2018, I had more than 1,000+ Pinterest sessions every single day. In terms of pageviews, that translated to getting 80,000-90,000 pageviews per month on average and it hasn’t stopped since.

Naturally, I’m a HUGE fan of Tribes and I think that every blogger should give them a chance in their blogging strategy.

If you have never heard of Tribes before, I highly suggest that you check out my post on How To Use Tailwind Tribes To Explode Your Traffic, and then come back to this post to join as many Tribes as possible. If you’re already familiar with the power of Tribes and just want to see the best Tribes possible, great, let’s get to it!

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