Men's grooming

The Best Electric Flossers To Buy In 2022

Barely a year goes by without the introduction of some new fangled dental gizmo that promises to revolutionise oral hygiene, leaving every tooth cleaner and whiter than the Taj Mahal. In recent years, we’ve witnessed everything from UV whitening trays that make your gnashers resemble a prop from Tron, to electronic dental picks, which allow you to recreate the abject horror of a visit to the dental hygienist in the comfort of your own bathroom.

The vast majority of these contraptions can be done without. But there is one that makes valuable ally when it comes to keeping your pearly whites in peak condition: the electric flosser. This grooming gadget is your new first line of defence when it comes to protecting the nooks and crannies of your gnashers from plaque, food particles and various other nasties.


And if, like us, you floss far less than you tell your dentist you do, it’s also a time-saving way to get into good habits.

Why Should I Use One?

You don’t need an engineering degree to look after your teeth in these modern times, but it probably helps. The human diet has changed dramatically over time and studies have shown that the transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agricultural lifestyle has had a huge impact on the wellbeing of our teeth.

The rise in dietary carbohydrates has caused a change in the bacteria that live in our mouths, while sugary, carbonated drinks especially have made tooth decay rampant. And scientists have even linked gum health with heart health, which is why people get preachy about flossing in the first place.

An electric flosser can help to blast some of the badness away with daily use, preventing harmful build-ups and assisting your regular dental-care routine.

Can An Electric Flosser Replace Traditional Floss?

Sadly, as great as electric flossers are, they’re not a substitute from using traditional dental floss.

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