
250+ Amazing Aztec Tattoo Designs and Ideas

Another important thing is to notice that Aztecs had a warrior society where the warriors could join once they have captured at least 4 enemies. They could then become Eagle warriors or Jaguar warriors. These two, although same in the rank, expressed their beliefs differently. Eagle knights chose Huitzilopochtli as their god and the Jaguars revered Tezcatlipoca. Other famous Aztec animals for tattoos involve the jaguar, monkey, and frog.

  • Aztec dates

Instead of getting the hefty system of dates in the Aztec calendar, many people opted for an Aztec representation of some date that was important to them. The huge and complex solar calendar largely mapped the movement of the sun. It is different from ours in the way that although it counts days and the number of years it has not divided it into months.


However, many websites can convert the modern date into the Aztec pictorial representation of the same. Each date involves three major symbols for a day, a 13 day period system akin to month or week, and for the year respectively.

For example, January 1, 2019, would use the symbolic representation of the wind, the jaguar, and the reed. It is a great option for someone who is looking for a tribal tattoo design having some personal meaning, is unique, and is subjective.

  • Sun

Rather as a matter of confusion, the Aztecs had many sun gods. They had a belief that the world has been destroyed and then created a total of four times. The present time is the fifth time and therefore, the fifth sun. Each of these periods was ruled by a specific sun god, the past four of them are no longer the gods. These were Tezcatlipoca (smoking mirror), Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent), Tlaloc (rain god), and Chalchiuhtlicue (goddess of water). The god of the fifth sun is called Nanauatl who became Tonatuih. However, Huitzilopochtli, the god of war is also something’s considered to be the sun god because he is the warrior of the sun for its protection. Aztec sun tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo options for people.

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