Health & wellness

Ardha Chandrasana – How to do and its Benefits

The word Ardha Chandrasana is derived Sanskrit words where Ardha means half and Chandra meaning shining moon. So the common term used for Ardha Chandrasana is also Half Moon Pose. Such kind of poses not only helps in maintaining the balance of the body, but also helps in fighting with many body problems.


This pose not only enhances your energy level but also helps in reviving from bad body posture. This pose should be practiced daily as it helps in the strengthening biceps. To learn this kind of asana, please follows the steps given below-:

How to do Ardha Chandrasana

  •  Place yourself on the mat in a standing position.
  •  Now, position yourself in the triangle pose. Make sure that you stand erect with feet about a meter apart. Now, place your left hand on the left buttock and the right hand almost touching your right feet.
  • While doing this asana be extra careful that your hand and shoulder must be placed in the straight line. If not, then make sure to align your body in that way, by just moving yourself in front.
  • Now inhale some air within your body and slowly remove your right hand from the right foot and place it a little away from the right foot, but make sure that it’s not very far as you may just loose the control or your body balance.
  • While performing this asana, just keep your legs straight. Make sure that you don’t bend your knees even slightly.
  • Slowly try lifting your left leg up in the air at an angle of 90 degrees. It must be in straight line with your head.
  • After this, start lifting your left hand up in the air, just make sure that it’s in a straight line corresponding to your right hand.
  • Look straight up towards the left hand. Stay in this final position for 2-3 minutes holding your breath out.

People suffering from neck or shoulder should not practice this asana without concerning their doctors. If your neck or shoulder problem is resolved, you may start this asana but only under the guidance of a yoga teacher. Half moon pose should be practiced daily. Breathing in and out is very important while you’re performing this asana.

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