Fashion tips

How to Walk in Heels

Photo via Pexels

Yes, it’s another shoe post here! We talked about winter boots last week, and today I want to talk about a classier type of shoe that every woman should own – high heels.

Even if you think you’re “too tall” or “can’t walk in heels”, think again. Every fashionista should own at least one pair of fabulous heels – they’re the perfect example a true fashion must-have, a transformative piece of clothing that adds a little extra something to any outfit.


This is part one of a new series you’ll see here over the next few days – A Girl’s Guide To High Heels. This series will cover everything you might want to know about heels – from how to tell a quality shoe, what to spend on a pair of heels, and even where to buy the perfect pair of high heels.

If you don’t wear heels or don’t have any good quality high heels, this series will hopefully help take some of the mystery away and maybe teach you a few things you didn’t know about these fabulous shoes.

Table of Contents

How to walk in heels

More About High Heels

Now that you know how to walk in heels, check back here for the next part in the Girl’s Guide To High Heels series where I’ll explain how to find quality high heels, what to look for when you’re shopping, and how much money you should spend on a pair of heels.

If you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment and I’ll try to answer in a future article.


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