
A Celebration of Introverted Female Characters

Ain’t nothing wrong with some alone time.

The psychological definition of the word “introvert” is:

“a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts or feelings.” 


But here on the good ol’ Internet, introversion has taken on a slightly different definition. Introverts are seen, generally, as shy, quiet, and having a strong preference for Netflix marathons over parties. If you find this relatable, trust me, you aren’t alone. 

A lot of us are introverts, and thankfully, online support for introversion has increased by a whole bunch over the last few years, from discussions on the nature of introversion to funny introvert memes. Some might even call introversion trendy! So why does the media still prefer to have loud, people-centric protagonists, especially when female? Just look at the recent line-up of Disney Princesses: Rapunzel, Anna, Moana….they are all almost identically outgoing and spunky. 

This has a lot to do with the way some have taken the phrase “strong female character” and corrupted it, but that’s a different story for a different article. Instead, here’s a countdown of some intelligent, independent, introverted female characters who show that there’s nothing weak about being a little meek. 

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Eliza Schuyler Hamilton

From: Hamilton

In comparison to her older sis, the fiery and outspoken Angelica, Eliza seems more mild and passive. While that may be true on the outside, she has a core that’s just as steely and strong. 

Eliza has zero trouble standing up for herself and will not tolerate betrayal – you need only to listen once to “Burn” to know that. Her greatest strength, however, is her enormous heart. Eliza’s love for her sisters, husband, and children is endless, and after Alexander’s untimely death, what does she do? Let Eliza herself tell you: 

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