College life

5 Easy Ways to Get Back into School Mode

I know girl, the Golden Globes were on last night … who’s thinking about class when you have popcorn and all day fashion reviews? But prepping for class doesn’t have to be so drab – just think of it as making an investment in your fabulous future!

After you’ve tackled starting off the new year fresh, check out these 5 ways to get back into school mode after vacation so you can be on top of your game this semester.


Table of Contents

1. Go Back a Few Days Early

Now that you’ve had a few weeks to soak up home again, it’s time to toss aside your snuggie and head back to campus!

Changing your environment is a basic yet powerful way to start getting amped up for school. In addition to picking up supplies and taking care of leftover laundry, here are some other things you can do to readjust seamlessly:

  • See your friends. Those 2-3 extra days before classes start are perfect for meeting up with your college friends. After all, texting and Facebook chat can only do so much for filling the void … catch up on what’s going on, grab lunch, and settle back in with good company by your side.
  • Check out your classrooms. Even smaller campuses have nook-and-cranny rooms and hard-to-find buildings, so prevent stress by finding out where you need to go beforehand. By measuring the time it takes to walk from Class A to Building B, you’ll be able to sleep in before your first day, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready.
  • Restock on groceries. Instead of shelling out big bucks for overpriced snacks in the campus stores, make a preemptive food-run to grab everything you need: fresh ingredients to make your favorite meals, on-the-go bites for studying, and anything that needs replacement due to a short shelf life (bread, milk, fruit, etc.) Also, don’t forget to clear your fridge and pantry of any scraps that may have expired.

2. Write Down Your Schedule

We college girls know that time management isn’t always a cake walk – in addition to class and studying, some of us also juggle part time jobs and extracurricular activities. Top that off with having to remember deadlines, needing to eat well and work out, and squeezing in time for a social life, and you’ve got to balance a load that may seem more like a magic act than real life.

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