Lifestyle & relationships

What Is Cuffing Season? Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever noticed that you get more female attention or even find the idea of a relationship more desirable during colder months? It could be a result of cuffing season. While beautiful women constantly approaching you may be flattering, they might just want to wear you like a scarf to keep them warm and fulfill their needs until it gets warmer. As cuffing season is coming up fast, it’s good to know whether you’re being used as a piece of clothing or recognize that the relationship you crave so bad is just a phase. 

What Is Cuffing Season?


Cuffing season is “the period of time between October and Valentine’s Day, where single people begin looking for short-term partnerships to pass the colder months of the year,” explains Rachel DeAlto, Relationship Expert and Chief Dating Expert at Rachel DeAlto. It’s typically darker and colder, which can make singles feel more lonely and desiring companionship.

“Singles are moving on from the summer months and want someone to cuff themselves to when the weather is less conducive to going out.” Sometimes the cuffing only lasts during the season, and other times they can become significant long-term relationships.

Do People Openly Talk About Wanting To Be Cuffed?

So, should you be openly honest if being cuffed is what you’re looking for? It’s normal, or even expected for you to be vocal about what you’re after on a first date, but “being cuffed is more of an action and subconscious need and less of a communicated intention,” says Laurel House, Relationship Expert at eharmony. “The timing of cuffing season – just before the holiday season through just before Valentine’s Day, can make the need confusing,” as we’re not necessarily aware that we want a seasonal relationship, making it difficult, or impossible to speak up about it. 

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