
Types of Roads or Road Classifications in India with Detailed Information

For any country, road transportation is a virtual network that connects every part of the country. This article discusses all the factors taken into consideration for the classification of roads. Some of the elements are locations, traffic, materials, etc. These different types of roads allow you to go to other places using various modes of transportation. Go through this article to know more about how these classifications are made in detail.

What Is A Road?

A road is a route, way, or thoroughfare on land that connects different places giving us an improved travel experience by foot or any form of transportation. To achieve the common goal of transportation, the roads have adapted to an extensive range of structures and types under several conditions. Consequently, different criteria are considered when roads are classified; let us go through this article to know all of them.


Different Types Of Roads:

The factors taken into consideration during the classification of roads are as follows:

Types Of Roads Based on Materials:

1. Earthen Roads:

Earthen roads are roads laid using the available soil at the site and are the cheapest among other roads. They are also called temporary roads because they are applied for the easy movement of construction vehicles. The design of earthen roads can handle only very low-volume traffic. There is a chance of soil runoff during rain, and therefore earthen roads are not recommended during monsoons.

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2. Gravel Roads:

Gravel roads are better than earthen roads and the second cheapest of all types of roads. The road’s surface is paved and compacted with the mixture of gravel and soil available at the site. These types of gravel roads are generally laid in villages and are also called metal roads.

3. Murram Roads:

The gravelly lateritic material which is occurred during the disintegration of igneous rocks by weathering agencies is called Murram. As the name suggests, Murram roads are laid by using Murram material. Compared to the earthen and gravel roads, Murram roads provide good surface finish, and compaction as the density of Murram road is higher.

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