
18 Different Types of Farming Methods and Implements

Farming: The crop cultivation process, animal rearing, and production methods are a very significant and essential part of agriculture. We all have an idea about the basics and what farming is correct from our school days textbooks. But how about revisiting it to refresh our memories? Types of Farming is not just one method but involves several kinds and processes depending on land type, climate, physical environment, crop type, and cultivation process.

Let us get started and learn something new today – different types of farming methods and farm implements.


Farming and Agriculture: A Brief History

Farming and agriculture are crucial for every nation and country, and many livelihoods, as we know, are dependent on this as an occupation – not just in India but abroad. But one can’t precisely emphasize and assert when farming has come into play. Today, we have advanced technology that influences and makes several techniques better off by just the presence. However, we all have an idea about the time when humans were hunting and farming in ancient methods.

Many experts believe that farming has changed humans’ course of life, which made them shift from nomadic hunting-gathering to establishing permanent settlements. The earliest crops around were barley, wheat, and rearing of cattle, sheep, and pigs. The types of farming methods and crop cultivation have come over with good development in a while, depending on new processes, techniques, climate, and other factors. Crop rotation, clearing, and land reclamation were common practices in ancient days, right around Egypt and Europe. As the agricultural revolution progressed across continents, newer methods and modern techniques started seeping. But yes, the farming concept is not anywhere born new but indeed present in place right back from 10,000 BC.

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