Tattoo ideas

What Does Script Tattoo Mean?

The script tattoo is one of the most popular tattoos in the world. The beauty of this tattoo is in its simplicity. It’s also a great style because it is so versatile. Script tattoos vary from person to person. You can choose slogans, quotes, mottoes and names if you want. The possibilities are truly endless. In addition to the content, you have to decide on the style of script you’d like. There are so many to choose from so you not only do you have to take your time and decide on what you want, you need to find an artist who is able to do it right.

Some things you should know about script tattoos is that it is essentially its own art form. Just as some artists specialize in realism and others specialize in watercolor tattoos, some artists just have a knack for script tattoos. This means you really need to get out there and look around. For the most part, tattoo artists are talented enough to have a few basic styles of script in their back pocket. On the other hand, it might be tougher for the artist to accommodate you if you are looking for something a little fancier. If the artist is being honest, they will let you know where their capabilities end when it comes to their script tattoos.


When it comes to getting your script tattoo, there are many ways you can go. We can look into the different styles of script and maybe give you some better ideas on a direction to go.

Formal Scripts

Formal scripts are mainly formed from 17th and 18th century writers like George Snell, George Bickham and George Shelley. The script these men created were produced by a quill or the metal pen nib. Both of these methods are able to produce think and fine writing. The typefaces that were created from their writing style appeared in the late 18th and early 19th century. These kinds of typefaces are used in formal situations. You’ll see this on invitations and documents of achievement like a diploma. There is nothing casual about this style of script.

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