BeautyHair care

Top 8 Protein Rich Foods For Hair Growth

Hair loss is a constant and recurring problem that both men and women face today. A receding hairline is the start after which hair fall and dandruff follow in dynamic suit. Hair is also destroyed by the constant use of products such as hair color that is why hair fall has become more widespread amongst teenagers and people ranging from ages 20-30. The constant hair fall problems are acutely related to today’s stress and panic level. Because of a hectic schedule we do not have the time today to use any homemade method to prevent hair fall. Along with such subsidiary problems come the issues of stunted hair growth, hair breakage and spillage. There are multitudes of well known food that can help in hair growth because of the high amounts of protein that they can provide the body with.


Protein Rich Foods For Hair Growth:

Given below are some protein-rich foods for hair growth that are perfect for your hair.

1. Honey:

Honey is also a natural product that is a perfect way to fight hair loss and baldness and facilitates hair growth because of the presence of proteins. Man baldness syndrome is a problem faced by many middle-aged men and therefore a receding hairline is visible. The application of warm honey sometimes paired with ginger or garlic extract on your entire scalp daily will give you the best results. For women too honey has shown and proven to be a worthy adversary in the fight against baldness.

2. Bananas:

Bananas are rich in protein as well as iron that help to strengthen the roots of your hair so that you do not have too much hair fall. Hair growth is also facilitated when you have bananas every day and a good banana will also help you to stay healthy. Just like apples a banana a day will keep your hair growing strong and healthy.

See More: How To Groom Your Hair

3. Apples:

Apples are also a strong and healthy fruit to help facilitate hair growth because of its rich ability to maintain high levels of vitamins and protein. An apple a day keeps the doctor away in regards to your system and your hair as well. Apples go well with your breakfast and must be eaten daily to maintain a good set of hair.

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