Health & wellness

Paschimottanasana Yoga (Seated Forward Bend) – How To Do & Benefits

The name Paschimottanasana comes from the Sanskrit origin and is a combination of 3 words Paschim which means West, Uttana which means stretch and asana which means pose. Interestingly according to the western philosophy, the front of our body is called East and back is called the West and as this asana stretches the back muscles more, it has received this name. It is a classic Hatha Yoga pose with numerous inherent benefits. In this guide, we will provide you with the detailed information about Paschimottanasana including the steps to do the same, how to master, tips for beginners, variation for advanced practitioners, benefits, precautions and much more. Read here to get yourself enlightened about this classic asana called the Paschimottanasana.


Ever wondered why our grandparents lived healthier lives and longer ones too? There could be many reasons, such as:

  • Healthy eating habits.
  • Clean air.
  • Natural supplements.
  • Holistic lifestyles.
  • Positive thinking.
  • Natural and simple living.
  • Enough sleep.
  • Enough entertainment.
  • Less tension and worries.
  • Exercise.

Yes, the last one, exercise and they did not have to pump iron or gain pain for the same. The ancient art and science of yoga helped our grandparents stay healthy and fit. The same is being applied these days by millions across the globe.

Paschimottanasana Yoga (Seated Forward Bend):

So if you too believe in natural ways and not the iron-pumping fiascos, we would ask you to read on and learn more about yoga, and it’s various benefits. Today we would like to speak more on Paschimottanasana, one of the branches of yoga. It is also known as an intense dorsal stretch. Hence, please read on and be well-informed for the same paschimottanasana yoga (Seated forward bend).

Paschimottanasana in literal terms means an intense stretch of the west. It is also known as the seated forward bend pose. The pose though seems simple, is slightly difficult to perform. The asana focuses on the spine of the body. The Paschimottanasana benefits of this asana and Paschimottanasana images are mentioned below.

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