Men's fashion basics

Men’s Fashion Basics – Part 11 – The Blazer

Moving on from last week’s article on leather jackets let’s talk about something a bit more cotton-based and formal, by which I mean blazers. A lot of young stylish actors and fashion designers can often be found in slim, dark blazers with a pair of jeans these days and it is definitely something that most guys can pull off with ease. It will bring your outfit together more and is a great piece for ‘anchoring’ more fashion-forward clothes around. But there are still some basic rules that need to be remembered. One of the big problems that seems to crop up whenever a blazer is mentioned is ‘are they different from suit jackets?’ and is then usually followed by ‘…and can I wear a suit jacket by itself anyway?’. The answer to these questions is simple; the only difference between a suit jacket and a blazer is the matching trousers. I wear my suit jackets with a jeans and a tee shirt all the time and nobody is none the wiser. Don’t get so caught up in the nitty-gritty guys! Well, ok, I tell a lie. There is one detail that should be remembered at all times and that’s the difference between a structured blazer and an unstructured one. The idea behind this one is simple; a structured blazer will normally have more defined shoulders, be made from a dressier fabric and hug your body a lot more creating a slim line to your frame. They are great for striking a more formal note whereas an unstructured one will help give off a more casual vibe, perfect for rolling the sleeves up and wearing with your beaten up denim. But in the end it will come down to your personal preference. I personally prefer my blazers structured because I love how I can throw one on and instantly look more put together and smart regardless of how casual the rest of my clothes are. They come in all kinds of fabrics, from cotton blends to tweeds through to wool and corduroys and each material and style lends themselves to a particular look. Just always bear in mind the nature of the blazer. If it’s a brisk leafy Autumn Sunday outside and you’re off to grab some lunch, reach for that grey tweed blazer to put on over your striped shirt and jeans. Or if you’re on your way out to dinner and need something to smarten up your white t-shirt and grey chinos throw on a dressy cotton navy blazer instead.

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