Men's style

Men’s Dressing Down Style Tips

Casual Style For Dummies

How often do you sift through pictures from your past? Coming face to face with a younger version of yourself can bring all sorts of feelings to the surface. One of them is nostalgia – don’t you ever wonder what happened to the cool you in those photos?

The answers are varied: “he got married”, “he got a proper job”, “he got tired/complacent”. They’re all valid, but you don’t have to make them your destiny. Becoming that nonchalant, easy-going guy again – who looked great with minimal thought or effort – is feasible (it will just take a little more effort than before).


From t-shirts to denim, here are ten easy style tips for maturer men (although they can be applied to all ages) that will help you dress cool and casual without appearing dorky, dated or age-inappropriate – ideal for those that have lost their mojo…

1. Embrace What You Learned From Experience

As we grow older and wiser our style should improve. You probably wear a suit better than you did ten years ago. You know how to accessorize and, even if you’re not cutting-edge, there are some acquired personal quirks that identify you as an individual. Don’t lose them for the sake of cool.

If you have a classic timepiece you’re proud of, it shouldn’t be replaced with a funky rubber statement version (or iWatch) that all the kids are wearing. If you look great in navy, deep red and charcoal, don’t go neon because you saw it in that high street shop you haven’t shopped at since 1998.

This is a major douche warning: there’s nothing more pathetic than a fashion victim with Peter Pan syndrome. Acquired style stays.

For more information on this subject, take a read through our guide to choosing signature pieces.

Steve McQueen proved that classic signature pieces never lose their cool factor

2. Jeans Are The Epitome Of Cool At Any Age

Many of us end up in chinos for comfort reasons, or just because they are ‘dressier’ (rubbish, by the way). Nonetheless, a fitted pair of jeans will always give your look an edge that other legwear just isn’t capable of.

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