BeautySkin care

How to Look Fair Naturally In 1 Week?

Your best friend’s wedding is just a week away, and here you are, sitting with anxious thoughts about your dull and uneven skin tone. All the shopping done under the harsh morning sun and driving in pollution did ruin your complexion! Is there no solution to this, other than camouflaging it up with makeup? There is a way out for you! We will help you learn how to get fair skin in 1 week, using a combo of different techniques.


But before that, let us understand the classification of skin colours to determine your complexion. Each of these tones has different shades that range from light to dark. Here is a basic breakup of human skin tones to make matters easy for you:

  • Light Skins – Very Pale to Freckles.
  • Fair Skintone – Porcelain (Cool Undertone) To Ivory (Warm Undertone).
  • Medium – Light Beige to Light Brown.
  • Olive – Light Brown to Medium Brown.
  • Tan – Moderate Brown to Brown.
  • Brown – Brown to Dark Brown.
  • Black – Deep Brown or Black Pigments.

Our natural complexion falls under one of these categories. However, over a period of time, factors like aging, exposure to sun rays, dust, pollution and lack of proper skincare can push your tone into the darker spectrum. The best way to restore your original complexion is to reduce the melanin formation in the skin and clean the accumulated impurities from your pores.

If you are ready for this 1-week fair skin challenge, why the wait? Read on to meet your beauty goals!

How To Get Fair and Glowing Skin In 1 Week?

The 7-day process involves a combination of creams, foods, home remedies and lifestyle tips to decrease skin discolouration, dark spots and uneven skin tone. After the stipulated period, you are likely to notice a visibly lighter and brighter shade of skin tone. Here are the details:

See More: Tips To Become Fair In 2 Days

1. Skin Lightening Creams and Lotions:

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