Health & wellness

Home Remedies for Laryngitis: 16 Things That Might Help

Did you watch your favorite team playing on the TV? Did all the screaming leave your voice hoarse? There is a high chance you have developed laryngitis. Infection or irritation and overuse of your vocal cords can cause inflammation, which results in this health condition.

Although pretty annoying to deal with, laryngitis is not a severe health condition and can heal with time. Read on to know some of the best home remedies for laryngitis; you can try to treat this condition effectively.



  • What Is Laryngitis?
  • Causes Of Laryngitis
  • Home Remedies For Laryngitis
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What Is Laryngitis?

When there is inflammation in your larynx, also known as a voice box, it results in a health condition called laryngitis.

Your voice box contains tissue folds, also called vocal cords, that vibrate when you produce a sound. Stiffness, redness, inflammation, and swelling are some of the symptoms you experience when you have laryngitis.

When this condition lasts a long time, it is called chronic laryngitis, and when this condition lasts for a short period, it is called acute laryngitis.

Causes Of Laryngitis:

As already discussed, there are two kinds of laryngitis, and the causes vary slightly.

Acute Laryngitis:

Using vocal cords excessively, it may cause a temporary condition called acute laryngitis. Sometimes an infection may also be the culprit. Simple treatment of the underlying conditions is the key. Some of the causes of acute laryngitis are:

  • Extra strain on your vocal cords.
  • Viral infection.
  • Too much alcohol intake.
  • Bacterial infection.

Chronic Laryngitis:

Chronic laryngitis has severe and long-lasting effects that may be because of exposure to irritants for an extended period. Some of the causes of this condition are:

  • Acid reflux.
  • Passive or active smoking.
  • Minor yeast infections which might be the result of using an asthma inhaler frequently.
  • Exposure to allergens or harmful chemicals frequently.
  • Overuse of your voice.
  • The occurrence of sinus infections frequently.

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