Health & wellness

9 Home Remedies for Flu That Work Effectively and Naturally

Flu! A word that can send a “Chill” down the spine for adults and kids alike! Also called Influenza, flu is a respiratory infection caused by the flu virus. It can suddenly attack your body and weaken it with high fever, runny nose and severe body pains. Even a healthy and strong person can go bed ridden with flu, making it one of the most dreaded diseases. Flu is a contagious disease, which can easily spread to others, especially in closed spaces. If you are worried about catching flu from a colleague or friend, relax! These natural home remedies for flu can lead to a quick recovery, without the need for high-powered medicines.


Table Of Content:

  • What Are The Causes For Flu?
  • Symptoms Of Flu
  • Prevention Of Flu
  • Natural Home Remedies For Flu
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Before begin with the natural remedies for flu, let’s understand a bit more about it!

What Are The Causes For Flu?

Flu is often confused with the common cold. However, it is a much more serious condition, which is caused by Influenza virus A, B, C.

  • Flu Types A and B are caused by seasonal changes.
  • Birds and animals like ducks, pigs carry these viruses.
  • Type C is caused due to problems in the respiratory tract.

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Symptoms Of Flu:

If you think flu is just running nose, you will be surprised at the number of complications this virus can lead to:

  • High fever
  • Sudden chills
  • Severe Cough
  • Sore Throat
  • Runny/Blocked Nose
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Body Pains
  • Vomiting in Children

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Prevention Of Flu:

Flu can be prevented only to a certain extent. It is very easy for you to catch this virus from a family member, neighbour or anyone you meet and shake hands with. However, you can reduce the risks of flu by following these prevention mechanisms:

  • Regular Vaccination To Prevent Seasonal Flu.
  • Using a Hand Sanitizer To Kill Germs Instantly.
  • Keeping distance from affected people.
  • Clean shared spaces with a disinfectant.
  • Washing hands with soap after every toilet use.
  • Using a mask when moving around in closed spaces.
  • Wearing gloves before touching your flu-infected kids or family members.
  • Avoid Kissing your partner who is infected with flu.
  • Don’t share personal items till the symptoms subside.

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