Tattoos with meaning

What Does Heartagram Tattoo Mean?

If you are looking for a symbol that will create confusion and make people ask you questions, consider the heartogram tattoo. Many might wonder what this strange looking symbol is. It looks as if it is combing the imagery of the pentagram and a heart which might send mixed messages. However, it is a pretty cool story when you find out where the image came from and the person that really created the image.

In this post we are going to talk about the heartogram tattoo and where it originated. We will also talk about the people involved in the creation of this tattoo. To come up with something like this is a testament to the creativity of the creators. We hope that by the end of this post you have a better understanding about what the heartogram is and what it means for the people that have the tattoo on their bodies.


However, before we get into that, check out some of these heartogram tattoos. Take these ideas and incorporate them into something you’d like to do.

What is a Heartogram

The heartogram tattoo is of a symbol that mixes a pentagram and a heart. You might see this image in a tattoo, but you also see sticker and graffiti. The image was created by the lead singer of the Finnish band, HIM, and from there, other well-known people had the image tattooed on their bodies.

The significance of this the heartogram is up to interpretation but the symbolism seems obvious. The pentagram is a symbol of darkness and evil while the heart represents the good and light. We can take from this image that life is like the heartogram. Full of good and evil. It is up to you to decide which to embrace. However, so we can be informed, let’s talk about what each symbol represents.

The pentagram is also known as the pentangle or pentalpha. It is the shape of a star with five points. Originally, the pentagram was used in Babylonia and ancient Greece as a symbol of faith by many who associate themselves with Wicca. This is similar to the way Christians connect with the cross.

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